Choma / 18.02.2024.
1. They closed Indeni; HH and UPND government opened it.
2. They imposed Employment Freeze; HH and UPND is employing.
3. They stopped paying Council Workers and you went into over 14 Months Arrears; HH and UPND cleared.
4. They failed to pay CDF; HH UPND increased and paid.
5. They failed to run Education scrapped off Meal Allowances; HH and UPND reinstated them and extend to 7 Public Universities.
6. They failed to manage debt, which destroyed the economy with effects being felt today; HH and UPND has managed the first part of restructuring.
7. They started failing to properly collect revenue; HH and UPND raised it to K100billion.
8. They failed to employ Health Workers; and ONLY did replacement; HH and UPND is recruiting thousands every year.
9. They failed to recruit in defense and education, HH and UPND is recruiting.
10. They failed free education introduction; HH and UPND is doing it.
11. They failed to run Mopani which produces copper; HH and UPND found equity partner.
12. They failed to attract FDI; HH and UPND brought over $3.8bn.
11. They failed to do Kasama Airport; UPND did it: and construction of Airports in all Provinces this year.
12 . They failed to run Fisheries; HH and UPND have done it by restocking and producing more than 4million Fingerlings.
13. They failed to revamp Malls by failing to attract investment and shops started closing but HH and UPND has revamped them.
14. They COMPLETELY failed to managed violence; HH and UPND has managed.
15. They failed to enact Access To Information Bill; HH and UPND has done it, removed death penalty and removed criminal defamation of President.
16. They failed to increase allocation to health and ONLY put it at k1.4 bn for purchase of Medicines and Medical Supplies but HH and UPND has put it at k4.6bn as at last year.
17. They failed to run a balanced cabinet; HH and UPND has done it.
18. They failed to manage debt; HH and UPND enacted debt management act No 15. Of 2022.
19. They promised ZNS training for all grade 12s but failed. HH and UPND introduced skills training under CDF and Youths and Women are being trained.
20. They closed Media Houses; HH and UPND has NOT closed any Media house but re-opened those which were closed.
21. They went for Council Levies; HH and UPND has given back authority to Local Authorities.
22. They killed citizens through politics like Nsama, Mapenzi , Kasongo, Lawrence, Etc. HH and UPND has brought COMPLETE sanity.
23. They failed to pay 258,000 Farmers; HH and UPND paid all of them.
24. They failed to pay Retirees in government; HH and UPND cleared them and paid TAZAMA ex workers together with TAZARA workers.
25. They stole Social Cash Transfer; HH and UPND has increased the number of beneficiaries instead.
26. They failed to take advantage of DRC opportunities; HH and UPND establishing electric vehicle battery manufacturing Plant.
27. They failed to run Fertilizer production but HH and UPND enabled manufacturing plant at $138 million.
28. They failed to take advantage of ZNS to grow the economy, UPND bought 10 Milling Plants and have re-opened Farm Blocks.
1. Price of Mealie Meal.
SOLUTION: Government has started working towards reducing cost of producing Maize by making fertilizer locally, planting more and introducing credit facilities.
SOLUTION: Government re-opening liquidated KCM, Mopani, exporting more agricultural products, and attracting foreign direct investment to grow more Dollars.
The Everladting SOLUTION: Opening Indeni to reduce shock , remove exercise duty , and bulk buying and improving Indeni by reconfiguration so as to make it a refinery to have new pipelines from Mozambique and Angola.